Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MILC Update #2

I think I now understand the sign up for MILC. The big dairies that exceed 2.985 million #'s of milk can sign up in February and have a startup date in February. They should not sign up from January 15 through the end of the month because they cannot select February then as their start up month. (They do have until January 21 to change their start date if they were confused by the initial sign up).
The smaller herds less than 2.85 million #'s of milk should sign up as soon as possible. Our FSA office is suggesting they sign up in January and they will put in a January startup date for these producers.
For any big dairies that want their startup date to be March 2009, they can sign up from February 1-14 and then again anytime in March for the March startup date.Our FSA office asked me to remind all the big producers that when October 2009 arrives the rules are that they must sign up by the 14th of the preceding month they would like to begin their MILC timeline for next fiscal year.